
Winston-Salem, Help your Child to Improve their Spelling

By Jeffrey Willey Publisher Macaroni KID Winston-Salem February 9, 2023

At our house, we have a chalkboard hung in the utility room, and each week we write 10 to 15 random words on it.  These words become the "spelling words" of the week. We write them down, use them in conversation at random, and even consult our trusty Webster's dictionary to find out what they mean. Here are some ways to help your child improve their spelling:

  1. Encourage daily reading: Reading helps build vocabulary and familiarity with words.
  2. Practice spelling: Have your child practice spelling words, either by writing them out or saying them aloud.
  3. Use mnemonics: Encourage your child to use memory aids such as rhymes or visual images to remember spellings.
  4. Play word games: Try playing word games such as Scrabble or Boggle, which can help improve spelling skills.
  5. Have them take spelling tests: Regularly giving spelling tests can help reinforce learning.
  6. Incorporate technology: Utilize spelling apps or online games to make practicing more fun.
  7. Encourage mistakes: Let your child know that making mistakes is part of the learning process, and encourage them to correct their errors.
  8. Have them keep a spelling journal: Encourage your child to keep a list of words they have difficulty spelling, and practice these words regularly.

Remember that every child is different and may learn best through different methods. Experiment and find what works best for your child.