
Winston-Salem Toddlers Sing!

By Jeffrey Willey Publisher Macaroni KID Winston-Salem, NC June 22, 2023

 There are many educational songs that can be used to teach toddlers various concepts. I know what you're saying, Jeff, School just let out, can we just breathe for a moment?  The answer is yes, these songs will teach themselves and you are welcome, as you will have them stuck in your head all day long. Here are some popular ones:

  1. "The Alphabet Song" teaches toddlers the letters of the alphabet.
  2. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" teaches basic melody and rhythm.
  3. "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" teaches animal names and sounds.
  4. "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" teaches counting and basic math.
  5. "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" teaches body parts.
  6. "If You're Happy and You Know It" teaches emotions and actions.
  7. "The Wheels on the Bus" teaches different modes of transportation.
  8. "Five Little Ducks" teaches counting backward and subtraction.
  9. "Baa Baa Black Sheep" teaches sharing and basic math concepts.
  10. "Itsy Bitsy Spider" teaches sequencing and hand-eye coordination.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more educational songs available. You can find various educational song playlists on platforms like YouTube or streaming services that are specifically designed for toddlers' learning and development.  What are some of your toddlers favorite songs?  Drop us a line and let us know by clicking here.